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Google Sites Website Builder Tutorial 2022

Google Sites Website Builder Tutorial 2022

With All Features Explained In Detail

VIDSociety shows you how to make a website for free for affiliate marketing using Google Sites. It’s step by step in this tutorial as you watch 

Google Sites Website Builder Tutorial 2022

Google Sites Website Builder Tutorial 2022


Small Business Information | Diversified Business Online


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welcome to vid society my name is chris and in this video i’m going to show you how to build a free website that you can use for
affiliate marketing from a google sites website so what i’m going to do is go from beginning to end
i’m going to show you the product i’m going to pick out i’m going to show you how i set the website up and everything in between so let’s go
ahead and jump in okay so to get started with google sites you have to go to the website i will put that link below this video in the description box along with some other links you might be interested in
in fact if you would rather build your own wordpress website i do have a free course for that where i even give out a
free wordpress theme that i customized you can find the links and resources for that below this video
as well okay so here we are when you first log into your website and you go to you’re going to see
a page that looks like this here now they do have some templates already set up for you
i never start with a template i always start with creating a website of my own which i want to start from scratch so you can
see exactly how i do it and then normally i would just clone or duplicate that site
as i make other websites for more affiliate sites or product reviews a couple things to keep in mind google
sites do take a little while to rank in fact even with trying different indexing services and
sending links and everything to it it can take a few weeks for it to start
showing up in google and to start ranking so keep that in mind these sites are great for building
affiliate sites because a google site is a google property and google is not
going to punish its own properties so it’s safe to use for affiliate marketing
to send your traffic to whether you do it through organic or whether you’re sending traffic through it through paid ads
or however you’re doing it it’s a great way to build a free website where you don’t have to worry about
spending your own money on hosting or having your own wordpress website to deal with and manage and constantly
update with that said with a google website you can use your own domain name
and that’s something we’ll get into in this video as well so the first thing you want to do when you get to is you want to come up here and you want to click on blank
and this is going to be the default page for your new website and i’m going to go over some of these settings this is probably going to be a
longer video than what most of my videos are so i will put time stamps below
that will help you to find the place you want to go to specifically in this video now before we create our site we have to
know what we’re going to create it about so for this example what i done is i went to amazon and i done a quick search for some
fitness equipment to find something that i could build a website around and promote
so the product i found was this one here it’s a marcy olympic weight bench
and the reason that i picked this product is because one is pretty popular uh it has over 2400
reviews and obviously most people don’t even leave reviews so there’s probably been tens of
thousands of people who’s bought this product it has four and a half out of five stars it’s three hundred dollars normally i
find something that is more expensive than this uh but for this example
this is what i’m going to use so what i done is i took marcy olympic and i went to
a refs and i entered it in the keyword explorer to find out how many people was searching it
and so for the marcy olympic weight bench it’s about 900 for the one that i am going to be
promoting here it’s actually not even listed here because i think this is a newer model
which is great because there’s not going to be much competition for it so there’s not going to be as many searches for it but a lot of people are
searching for it because because if i go to google and if i type in this exact product name
marcy olympic weight bench md 857 if i click after it you’re going to see
down here this long search that people are entering because they’re searching for this product and you can see here it says for
full body workout gray black that’s kind of odd why would somebody search that for it because what
they’re doing is they’re going to amazon and they’re copying this complete title and they’re
searching for it which you can see here the full body workout gray and black so people are searching for this google
is showing us that right here in proof so we know that it’s a pr that’s a
product that people searching for so i’m going to go ahead and do a website around it even though it doesn’t say there’s a whole lot of searches for
it because most of the time the search statistics from these are not accurate at all and what may not be
popular today in a few weeks or a few months may be very popular and i could see my cells increasing at
any time down here i can see the related searches where other people are searching for other keywords related
to the same workout bench so this is what we’re going to use so what we’re going to do is i’m going
to copy this full title and i’m going to go back to my site and
i’m going to paste it right here i’m going to right click and click paste as plain text
and you can see it put in here now what i like about the google sites is that you have a lot of control so for
example with this title i can highlight it i can take down the size let’s say the 36
i can expand it and make it wider and then if i wanted to i could bold it
i could change to a lot of different fonts it has here but for now i’m just going to leave it as this
now up here you can see where it says enter site name we can also add a logo if you have one for it the only thing
i’m going to put up here is we’re going to call it marcy olympic
bench just something short now i’m not too crazy about this background
so if you hover over it you can see some options down here change image and also header type so
header type allows you to change the size of your header image right now it’s on banner we could change
it to title only or we could do large banner or even a full cover which takes the whole
front page which for these is what i like to do something very simple
now after that we can come down and change the image click uh select image and it’s going to
bring up several options here it has its own gallery of images that we can use if we know the url for an image we can
paste it here or you can use your albums or your google drive but what i like to do is use google’s own search
because when you do this it says here results shown are labeled for commercial reuse with modification which means
we can use these images that google shows us here so so we’re going to be safe with this website so what i’m going to do here is
i’m just going to type in weight lifting and click search
and here we have a lot of different images we can use so i like this first one here i’m going to go ahead and click
it choose select you can see down here it’s adjusting for readability so we’re going
to give it a second and there it is so this is what our home page is going to look like
and this is it so what we’re going to do now is we need to start creating inner pages to our website
that’s all about this weight bench or that’s about weight benches so how we do
that is we come over here on the right hand side and you can see here insert so on this tab this is where we have all of our
options where we can drag different items like text boxes images embeds things from our google drive account and
even complete layouts that we can drop and drag wherever we want them and it will create this layout for us to use
for our pages down here you have options for collapsible text table of contents
and some other options as well what we want to do is we want to go ahead and create an inner page i’m going to come up here to
pages you can see where it says home right now i’m going to go down and hover over the
plus sign and click on new page now for this page i’m going to go ahead and call this one
i’m going to call it the marcy olympic md
857 weight bench if i click on advanced i can choose a
custom path here i usually don’t do this because what it does is it just takes this name here and uses it as part of your url
so we’ll click done okay so now what it done is it created another page for us
and then we can go back to our home page you can see what it done was it just took what our homepage was
and it made this page but it changed the text so for this page i don’t want this to be a full background so i can come down to
header type change it to banner and it looks like this and then for the
text i can click on it highlight it i can change it to say 36 make it bold we can drag this
out and i can even put say review and we’ll make it a little bit
smaller so it all fits on one line okay now you can see since we’ve done this
up here we have a navigation menu and here is our home page we built and here is the page that
we’re on right now now we’re going to stop here just for a minute and what i want to do is show you
some other options before we get into designing this more so if you come up here to your settings
option and click it you have your navigation so right now you can see my navigation is up here on
the top i like to move this to the side so we’re going to move that to the side over here so when you click the hamburger menu this
is where your menu will now show up now if we come back up here you also see that it has collar for transparency
uh white or black i just leave it as the default option for transparent
brand images this is where you can add your own logo or favicon if you want to upload those you
have what you call viewer tools i don’t like leaving these on you can basically it shows the last time the
page was updated or it shows anchor links which really makes no sense to me why they have that for
you can add your own custom domains so you can buy your own domain name through google so you can have your own and it’ll link it to this site and that’s what it’ll use for your website
you also have analytics where you can track it and i’m going to show you how to do this here in a little bit where it just doesn’t track it but you can also
add it to your google search console and then you have an announcement banner and i
thought this was pretty neat so what this does it shows a banner at the top so if i turn this on and say we choose a banner caller
let’s just say orange the announcement is click here for
a special deal today and then the button label we can say uh view now
and then we can have it go wherever we want to i’m just going to have it to go to open in a new window and i
want it to show up on all pages once i do that just close out and you can see it adds this banner now on top
of all the pages with our text and a button which this can be anything this can be an affiliate
link it can be a link to another page on your site a review or whatever it is
so those are your settings up here these three dots if you click it it’ll show you your version history you
can duplicate the entire site uh that’s pretty much it for that one and then if you’re ready to publish it
what you want to do is come up here and click publish and then it’s going to ask you for a web
address so what i like to do is it’s going to be this is going to be the first part of
your website if you’re not using your own domain and so what you want to do is add something after that
and that is going to be the link that will take you to your home page so what i’m going to do is i like to
make something generic for this so i’m just going to say
m-a-r-r-e-v stands for i don’t know the marcy review um of course this can be whatever
you want it to be like i said i don’t like to have these words repeating themselves in the
domain so i don’t want this to say
view slash marcy olympic bench and then slash marcy olympic bench
review i just don’t like that so i’m going to leave this as m-a-r-r-e-v and then you have options here of who
can view your site and then you can request that search engines don’t find it you don’t want to tick that then when you’re done you’re going to
click on publish okay when it’s done publishing you can come up here and click on this
link button and it’s going to give you the link to your home page you’re going to copy this
and you can open it up in a new browser and click paste and go
and so this is your home page and then if we go over here and click this link it’s going to take us to the
page that we just created which looks like this and then here’s our banner at the top for the view now
deal okay let’s jump back over here now if you want to change this you can come up and you can go to
settings and change the navigation to the top and then publish it again
and when you publish it it’s going to show you the changes that you made on your site just fine click publish
and then we can go back here and refresh it and you’ll have to give it just a minute
give it about usually 30 seconds 40 seconds or so for it to update try it again
and then you can see up here now is the link if you want to have your menu up here
so either way you want to do it okay so now we have our home page done and we want to come
over here to the review page and this is where you’re going to write your entire review
about this product so what i like to do is come over here to insert and i’m going to drop maybe this layout
here and then what we can do here is we can add some text so
we can say what is the marcy
olympic md 857 weight bench and then under there
i have a box here that i can click to edit text so what i can do is i want to go to this page
and i’m going to scroll down and see if there’s any content here which there is there’s actually quite a bit which is great
and so i’m going to copy say this part i want to go back right click and paste
this plain text and kind of straighten it out a little bit and what i’m going to do
is i’m going to delete this paragraph and then we’re going to make this image
a little bit taller so you can drag anything to make it fit perfectly which i really like it has a
special grid on it so anything that you click on you’ll see these little circles you can drag them
to rearrange it however you want to you can see those lines in the background which is really neat it helps you to
keep everything lined up now in this box if you click the plus it’s going to ask you what do you want
to do do you want to upload an image a video or anything like that you want to select an image you want to upload a youtube video or
embed a youtube video and that’s what i’m going to do so i’m hoping somebody’s already made
a video on this so i’m going to go to youtube i’d click here click youtube
and then we can do a video search for the marcy olympic
and i think it was 857 md 857
click search and yes there are reviews great so this one’s here is five minutes long
um this one here okay this one here’s the one i want because it has this one here actually
has reviews in it which i like that this one’s 37 seconds 49 seconds so
these are really short just slide shows somewhat somebody made of it i want one that’s going to be several
minutes long so it’s actually a good quality video and it looks like this one here i’m going to click on it select
and it insert this in here now you can see there’s black above and black below so what i can do is i can move this out
and adjust it so where it fills that in just like that and then if i want to
i can rearrange how this is i can take this text here i can make it we’ll say 24 which is fine and let’s
bold it and i also want this i want to highlight this and i’m going to have it to be heading
so when it’s a heading um the the the difference between these if i click in this box you can see that
it says title a title gives it an h1 tag and you only want one of those on your page which i
usually have right up here at the top and then these other ones you can have as in heading which is an
h2 tag and then a subheading is an h3 tag and so you can properly optimize your
site by using those to make them much better so this here looks really good now and
what i might want to do down here is add some more content so what i want to do is add another text box so i’m just going to click it
it’s going to add it down here and then i’m going to go back to amazon and i’m going to go ahead and copy
this text and remember guys google is not going to punish its own
site so you don’t have to worry about that so i’m going to go in here and i’m going to paste this because even duplicate
content like this is going to rank believe it or not we’re going to go up here we’re going to highlight this text
and we’ll leave that right i’m going to change this size though to 12 to make it a little bit bigger
so we’re going to highlight all of it go to size go to 12 and then this here we’re going to change
and do a heading and bold it this one here i’m going to
bold it too okay now what i can do is i can come
over here and say i want to add a few images i can take this box and add it and then we can go back here
and i can add some images that are either right here or what i like to do is take some of
these so this image here i’m going to click on it and then i’m going to click on it so it’s full size right click
save image as and then i’m going to save that on my computer now when i save this image i want to
make sure it’s properly optimized so i’m going to give it a name that’s related to the product itself so i’m going to
click down here file name and i’m going to call it the marcy
olympic weight bench and then we’re going to save it and then
i’m going to come over here and maybe find a couple others say two other images i
want to use so we’ll do we’ll do this one here same thing
and this one i’m going to call marcy olympic
weight bench dimensions
and then this one’s the features so that’s good so we’re going to right click save image as
and then at the end of this i’m just going to say features and click enter so we have three images
now so i can go back go back to here and i can upload these images here so i’m going to click the plus
upload and for the main image i’m going to choose this one
and then for the two images i’m going to choose the other two
okay just like that looks really good now i’d like to add some more content
below this so we can do another text box if we want to and we’ll go back to amazon
and we added that so i’m just going to copy this here
go back right click paste as plain text
okay and then what these are this is just text it uses for the images i’m going to delete that
and then these i’m going to i’m going to first kind of straighten this up a little bit
and then what i’m going to do is i’m going to make these subtitles here or subheadings so we have our main h1
heading here and we have an h2 here’s another h2 and then these here are going to be h3s
so we’re going to do subheading bold same with this one
i’m going to do that for each one of these
just like that now what i should have done to begin with though is highlighted all this and change the size
because i want it to be a little bit bigger we’ll just leave it just like that for now and then if i wanted to i
could make these bigger say 18. obviously the better you make your
website look um the more reliable or the more legit people are going to think the
website is okay and 18. all right so this here is
going to be the features and so what we can do actually is we can
do insert another text box and i’m going to take this text box here and drag it
we’ll just leave it right here and i’m going to title this the marcy olympic
i can’t remember the name of it again it’s the md 857
weight bench features then this is going
to be a heading which is h2 make it bold
and then we have the features here okay so far this is looking really good
so let’s see what else we can get from here we can add to it there’s a lot more content here we could
add to it if we wanted to for now i think i’m going to leave it just the way it is you can also take
some of these questions and answers and you can put them on your site to add more content
i’m going to leave it just the way it is for now okay so the next thing we want to do is we want to come back up the top and obviously we have to have a way for
people to buy this product through our affiliate link so what i like to do is i’ll come over here and pick click
button and you can give it a name
check discounted prices here and then what i would want
to do is go to amazon and get my text link for it
i want to copy it paste it and insert you can see here this is the
image the button i’m going to drag it we’ll put it right here
and leave it like that now you can see how this text is blue the button’s blue
basically this is all based up on the theme that you choose which you can change anytime so you’ll
notice up here besides in certain pages there’s one for theme so if you click it there’s different options here right now
it’s set on one called simple and if i want to change the color of some of the stuff i can just pick a
different color so i can pick this you can see how it changes it or to
green purple black or you can choose one color of your own you can also change the
default fonts what it looks like but i kind of like the font i probably should make it bigger though
change this i’m just going to make it 12 right now and i’m going to go back and keep this color now you can choose
different styles like this is aristotle so if i choose it you can see how it’s going to change the header and the color we can choose
diplomat vision level
or impression and they all have options for their fonts as well as different colors but i’m just
going to keep mine on simple and what i think i’m going to do is take this button so if i click once it brings up this
whole section if i click on the button it shows me just the outlining the button which is what i want what i want to do is i
want to take it and drag it down so where it stretches a little bit
bigger so like this here and i’m going to move it to the middle
like that now if you want to you can create your own images for this and just upload them uh create your own button
images and then so if it stand you if you want something stands out a little bit bigger maybe yellow or orange a little bit
bigger you can do that too you could also put maybe if you don’t want all this content in
here what we could do is we could delete this and we could make this text
a little bit bigger say 14 and then at the bottom
you could say click here to view the best discounts
and then i could grab this link i could highlight this
click the link button insert it and apply and then that’s going to link
that to my affiliate link so now we have a text link and we also have a button now i can duplicate this i can come over
here and you can see where i can change it you can actually change the background color too so if i click
um say a section background see this here i want this background to be different color i can click that and it has an option
here where it makes it a little bit darker which that looks really good or we could do this which that looks
good uh or you can do an image you can upload or you can add something of your own so
what you can do here is if you do select image you can add one of these here if
you want or you can add your own background by searching like we did earlier or you can type in a color let’s just
say black and search and then we can just choose an image here that’s black
select it and it looks like that and so that looks really good too so i
think i’ll just leave it this way and maybe i’ll highlight this and make the text also 14.
and then this here we’re going to make it a little bit bigger say 24.
then we have our images and then we have our features here so that all looks really good and then
with this i can duplicate it and then i can grab it and i can drag it
down to the bottom and have another price here okay so this all looks really good we’ll
go ahead and publish it
and if we go back to our website and we’re going to give it just a minute here
make sure it uploads i’m going to click on the home button
okay this is our home page and then if we go here to this link this is the review page for our product
which looks really good considering how long it took us to make now a couple of things i want to mention
on when you try to rank websites especially now uh and on google sites because it does
take longer anyway what you want to do to help really improve your rankings is to create
multiple pages on your website and each one of those pages you want it to target something
based around this marcy olympic md 857 weight bench or something about a
weight bench and then you want to have those pages linking back to this page here which is
what you you ultimately want to rank you don’t care if your home page ranks or not there’s nothing really on there
but it just gives you a landing page for your home page this here is what you want to rank so
what we can do is i can come back up here to say my ares account and i can look up some
of the stuff so over here here’s some questions that i can use i can also go back to
google and scroll at the bottom where it gives me these here where i can look up so what i
could do is i could even maybe copy this here and use this as one of them a squat rack
i could do how to use it i could do discounts so for example we could come
up here and i could create another page and i could come over here and click
these little three dots and duplicate this page
and if i do this let’s say i make one and i want to call it
the marcy olympic um discount okay click done
it’s going to create this page for us and then what i want to do is i’m going to delete this content because i don’t
want that to be the same as my other page
and then what i would do is i would add more content in here about this weight bench or just text
about a weight bench and then i would link it back to my main review page
so i could come up here to insert text box and then i i like to use a tool you can
you can go online and just copy text if you want to and use for this but i’ve been using a tool that i really like called article forge so i’m going to go
there and if you guys like this tool there’s actually a link below in the description box where you can try it out for free
for i think it’s like three days or five days uh just in case you like it so what i’m going to do for this
is in the keyword box i’m going to enter how to use a weight bench
and then for my sub keyword i’m going to use the product name so we’ll come over here
and we’ll just type in
sub keyword we’ll do mercy olympic weight bench
and just use that and what it’s going to do now is it’s going to create an article based about how to use a weight
bench and then it’s going to insert this
this sub keyword within the article which is really neat so we’ll go down here i’ll choose 500 words create a new
article and i’m going to pause the video and give this a couple minutes to finish okay just finished i’m going to click
here to see the result and here it is so we can read through
here weight benches like everything else these days have changed dramatically there was a time when you had an
enormous and heavy piece of equipment okay okay this all looks really good and
so all i have to do is i’m just going to go ahead and copy all this content so we’re going to click on copy go back
here and we’ll go in here paste plain text
i don’t see where it entered the sub keyword in this article i don’t know maybe it confused it just because of the
different words i had in it and the numbers so what i would do is just go ahead and manually edit what it has here
throw that keyword in there also mention discounts a few times and at the end of it what i would do is check out
the full review here and then i would highlight this text
click link and then i would choose this page and apply and then what that’s going to
do is link back to the review page and then we’re going to click publish
and publish again and so now this part is done so now if
we visit our website it’s going to be three pages okay click home and now we have
our review page which is right here and then we have our discount page which
is right here and the thing is you don’t have to show these pages here in your menu if i go back
i can actually go up here to pages and on this page here the discount page
i can hide from navigation just like that now what i can also do is
i can create sub pages underneath any one of these so if i for some reason i want to create
sub pages under this review page right here i could come over here click
these three dots add a sub page and add several and then when you hover over top this there would be a drop down menu with sub pages like
you see on most websites but this is how you can create an affiliate website for free using google
sites it’s super easy to do guys but just keep in mind and i can’t stress this enough
the more pages you build out like this here like i done with this one the better results you’re going to get
so what you can do is you can find related topics to this that people are searching for around weight benches around this brand
create additional pages for that and then have them all linking back to your main review page
right here and then what that’s going to do is really help with your internal linking it’s going to help to google to better
understand what the entire site’s about and what the main page is that you want ranked on there
so really that’s all there is to it and once you’re done just come up here click on publish it’s going to go live
and then when you come up here you’re going to have your published link so whatever page you’re on this is the
link it’s going to give you okay so right now i’m on my review page and i click link so it’s giving me the
page here for this specific page if i go to the home page
click on link it’s just going to give me the link for that specific page that i’m on now if you wanted to when you get your
website done you can come back here to your home page and you could come over here and you can
add more stuff to it so for example i could come over here and i could click uh say this here
and what i could do is say for this one i could do full review
and then here i could do discount then i could add two images here so i could do an image i’ve already
uploaded a few let’s just go ahead and click upload and let’s do this and then for this one
do the second one just upload whatever two images you want you can do full review
on bench grab the discount and then you can add
some text under here if you want to just to add more content to your home page and then what you would do is just link
this to your review page
and then link this one to the discount page
and publish it that way you have more content on your home page if you just want more content on there
if you don’t it’s no big deal you don’t have to but really that’s how easy it is to
create an affiliate site using google sites it’s free it’s it looks really professional and
you don’t have to worry about web hosting you don’t have to worry about maintaining plug-ins buying plugins you know you’re
you’re not going to be able to have as many features or options as you do with wordpress so if you’re looking for something based
around wordpress once again i’m going to highly suggest you you get my free course on wp affiliate suite which is all about
building wordpress websites for affiliate marketing that link will be below this video i include a free custom
wordpress theme you can even use for it but if you’re not into that and if you don’t want to deal with it just use
google sites that’s at now once you’re done here i do want to mention
and also show you how to add analytics so you can track uh all of your people who comes to your all your
site visitors come to your site so what you would do is you would come here to your home page
and you would come up here to link and you would grab your link and then what you would do is let me go
ahead and close some of these tabs out
you would first go to your google analytics so once you go to your google analytics
you’re going to create a property you do this under your admin so down here um if you go to your home page
there’ll be a link at the bottom it says admin uh down here at the bottom you just want to click on that and then create property
and you’re going to give it a name i’m going to do google sites and then i’ll do
marcy bench and then select my time zone new york
click next i’m going to skip this click create
and then here i’m going to choose web you’re going to paste in your home page
address here and then you’re going to remove this https part because it’s already listed
here then you’re going to give it a name google sites marcy bench and click create stream
now when you do this it’s going to give you this code here and you want to copy this code
you want to go back go to your settings go to analytics and you want to paste it
in here and that enables analytics so now any visitors you get to your google site on
any of the pages it’s going to track and show you within your google analytics but to take it a step further we can
also add it to our google search console so to do that what we’re going to do is come up and make sure we’re logged into
our google search console you’re going to go over here to the url prefix
you’re going to paste in your url which i may not be able to do this
because my analytics is logged in under one account and my google search console
is logged in under a different account so let me let me change this here
okay so let me go ahead and paste this prefix or my url in here you want to paste the
whole site url in here and click continue and as long as you’re logged in to your
same account that you’re logged into with your google analytics it’s going to connect that and see that
you are the owner of it and you can see here it automatically verified my ownership so i can go to the property
and i can see here now that it is added into my list of websites and i can
monitor and watch my performance and coverage and everything here so that’s how you do it that’s how you
create the site that’s how you add analytics to it and then from here you can just keep
building your site out you can make it into just one product you can add multiple products however you want to do it the
more content you have on your site the better it’s going to rank and the faster it’s going to rank so keep that
in mind other than that guys that’s it for this video that’s how easy it is to create a free
website for affiliate marketing if you like these types of videos like this video subscribe to my channel
click that bell and i’ll be sure to notify you when i do more videos like this and if you have any questions leave them
below and i’ll try to get to them as soon as i can thanks